Geelong City Deals Update - May 2024

Published on 10 May 2024


Community input is helping to shape our three Geelong City Deal projects.

Designs for the Apollo Bay Harbour Redevelopment and Improvements to Tourism Infrastructure at Kennett River will shortly progress, with the support of new Community Reference Groups (CRG).

The Authority is creating the CRGs to provide input in the refinement of designs and the preparation of draft Precinct Plans for the two above mentioned projects.

The CRGs will focus on balancing community aspirations with best practices in coastal infrastructure, guided by relevant legislation.

While in Lorne, a new Authority record has been set for feedback, with more than 1,100 responses received to our Community Values Survey.

The surveys, along with input from the CRG and key stakeholders, are an important step in updating the Masterplan for Point Grey.

Thank you to everyone who shared their views with us.


The Authority will soon appoint a Head Consultant to lead the next phase of planning and design for the Apollo Bay Harbour Redevelopment.

In conjunction with the Authority, the Head Consultant will work with key stakeholders to help inform and prepare a draft Precinct Plan.

These key stakeholders include the Eastern Maar Aboriginal Corporation and the Apollo Bay Fishermen’s Co-op.

The CRG will also provide their knowledge and share the community’s values and aspirations during this stage.

This progress follows the completion of an independent review of the Apollo Bay Harbour Development Plan (2020).

The City Deal funding allows key elements of the 2020 plan, overseen by the Colac Otway Shire Council, to be realised.

However, the review found that design amendments are needed to ensure that features of the plan can be delivered in line with current planning and environmental controls.

The $12.61 million project aims to create an improved visitor experience and broaden the commercial and recreational opportunities in the harbour precinct.

We’d also like to thank the 160 community members who came to our Coastal Projects Open Day event in March, to chat about a range of projects in the Apollo Bay area.


A Community Reference Group (CRG) is being established to help progress plans for the $3.69 million project, which will deliver public infrastructure and accessibility improvements.

The creation of the CRG follows a wide range of engagement activities since late 2023, including surveys, online feedback and scenario workshops.

Through these activities, Kennett River locals, visitors and campers have provided

the project team invaluable insights.

Feedback centered on the following themes:

  • Congestion, traffic, buses, and pedestrian safety
  • Development of an appropriate visitation strategy that caters for a sustainable
  • mix and volume of visitors
  • Bus access, licensing, and parking restrictions
  • Further sharing of project information (e.g. technical assessments)
  • Opportunities for greater community involvement; and
  • Environmental considerations and respect for local wildlife

We look forward to continuing these conversations as we work towards a draft Precinct Plan that respects Kennett River’s unique character and environmental position.

A draft Precinct Plan is expected to be released for public comment early in the second half of 2024.


We’ve long known the importance of Point Grey to Lorne locals and visitors alike.

Our recent Community Values Survey sought to formally capture what community members and visitors have expressed about Point Grey over many years, and to understand any changes in sentiment.

We received more than 1,100 responses to the survey, which sets a record for our Have Your Say engagement at the Authority.

This feedback will be used to inform a revised Masterplan for the precinct.

A CRG, established in late 2023, will also work closely with the project team to provide input into the updated Masterplan over the next few months.

The redevelopment will provide new and improved facilities, including:

  • A new Lorne Aquatic and Angling Club building
  • Provision for ‘casual dining’ offerings, including options for coffee, takeaway and al fresco seating
  • Improved public realm spaces
  • Recognition of cultural heritage; and
  • Improved connectivity.

The $12.59 million project is funded by the Geelong City Deal ($10.14m), the Authority ($2m) and the Lorne Aquatic and Angling Club ($450,000).

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